Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

About Us

For over 40 years, Keystone Linings has specialised in architectural designing and delivering innovative finishes and substrates that create a beautiful, functional and high-performance acoustic system.

100% Australian Family owned and operated, Keystone is much more than a simple supplier. Our range is constantly evolving and providing solutions that transform spaces and facades into sophisticated architectural spaces.

Keystone has earned a reputation for excellence in designing and manufacturing both internal and external linings and decorative wall panels. Keystone specialises in functional perforated wall panels and ceiling acoustic tiles. Our work has been used in award-winning projects in some of the most unique ways, creating design elements that have the dual advantage of stunning aesthetics and practicality.

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Television and stereo cabinets for Sharp Australia are produced from our first factory at Greenacre, Sydney.


Coffin design and manufacturing using a new CNC machine commences from the new Smithfield factory.

Decorative wall panels designed by keystone linings

8 CNC machines and a computer-controlled beam saw are introduced into the new Wetherill Park factory to support the growing demand for Key Industries coffins and caskets.

Acoustic ceiling panels designed by keystone linings

A new division, Keystone Acoustics, is created to design, manufacture and market a range of acoustic panels to architects and commercial builders.


11 CNC machines and a staff of 65 now work 6 days a week to support the demand for Keystone Acoustics & Key Industries.

Our Team

With over FOUR decades of pioneering work in decorative walls panels and ceiling acoustics and experience of working with Australian Architectural designers, our team is the absolute best in providing solutions.
Huria agrawaal
Michael robbins
Matt guy
Patricia 1

Our Trusted Partners & Suppliers

Jameshardie official logo
Polytec official logo
Csr building products
Austral plywoods
Lamicolor duropal
Briggs veneers
New age veneers
Https://gen-eco. Com. Au/
Sherwin williams


KEYSTONE LININGS (KEY INDUSTRIES PTY LTD), prohibits any form of child labour including the employment of workers below the age of 15, or below the minimum age as stated under national or local laws or regulations.

KEYSTONE complies with the applicable state and territory legislation that addresses the FSC core labour requirement

  • Compliance: Clause 7.2 – 7.2.3

KEYSTONE is against and prohibits all forms of forced and compulsory labour. Employment at Key Industries Pty Ltd is voluntary and based on mutual consent.

KEYSTONE complies with the applicable state and territory legislation that addresses the FSC core labour requirement.

  • Compliance: Clause 7.3 – 7.3.2

KEYSTONE supports the fundamental principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2018